Work History
Additional Information

Mukasa Kabiri



Over 18 years experience in public health and field epidemiologist with 5 years international experience in responding to public health emergencies such as outbreaks of polio, cholera, measles, meningitis, COVID-19 and other vaccine preventable disease. An experience disease control officer with extensive knowledge in immunization programme management including introduction of new vaccines. Experience working in conflict affected areas and resource limited settings. Good interpersonal relationship, good communication skills, good presentation, writing and speaking skills as well as good advocacy skills


years of professional experience

Work History

Consultant, WHO Surveillance Officer

CANADEM/WHO/FCDO, Cholera Outbreak Response
Bahir Dar
10.2023 - 03.2024

Supervisor; Dr. Bachir; Email of supervisor:


  • Co-develop the guidelines, tools and indicators for effective disease surveillance at the national, sub-national and community levels
  • Coordinate and manage surveillance technical activities and programs, within the context of the outbreak and health emergencies programme at the country level
  • Facilitate the implementation of the International Health Regulations (IHR) including participation in the process of verification and risk assessment on reported public health events
  • Strengthen the capacities of surveillance teams for the effective and sustained surveillance of epidemic prone diseases through training courses on field investigation, detection, data management, and rapid response to epidemics and health outbreaks
  • Conduct, in collaboration with other team members, real-time analysis of outbreak intelligence data, from a broad 10 range of sources including non-health sectors, for epidemic forecasting and detection
  • Promote the effective coordination for rapid assessment, surveillance and response activities for epidemic-prone diseases in consultation with Country Office, Regional Office and HQ as well as local, regional and national health entities and other international health partners including UN agencies and NGOs
  • Provide technical guidance for the management of a unified information system to ensure availability of core data country files and other information on related technical areas such as: case incidence; case management surveillance data; laboratory surveillance data; contact tracing, etc
  • Analyze, systematize, and disseminate scientific and evidence-based technical information and knowledge; support the development of the WHO Situation Reports, other related regular and ad- hoc surveillance reports
  • Undertake regular field supervision visits to assess and evaluate the implementation of surveillance activities, identify gaps and recommend corrective actions based on key performance indicators
  • Perform any other incident-specific related duties, as required by the functional supervisor.

Acting Health Cluster Coordinator

World Health Organization, Northern Ethiopia Response
Bahir Dar
12.2023 - 01.2024

Supervisor: Sacha Bootsma, Email:


  • Ensures the strengthen of pre-existing sectoral coordination by maintaining appropriate links and dialogue with national and local authorities, local civil society and other relevant actors, while respecting their respective mandates and programme priorities
  • Undertakes reasonable measures to proactively engage with and support local NGOs to participate in cluster coordination and at each phase of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle and ensures that the health cluster position is informed by the NGO perspective
  • Leads, co-lead, coordinate and conduct health needs assessments with the health partners and other sectors in particular, including but not limited to WASH, Nutrition, Food Security and Protection
  • Effectively contributes to inter-cluster coordination forums and cooperate with other clusters, Government counterparts, and relevant authorities in planning, coordination, and operational activities and ensuring that the NGO community is contributing to and sharing responsibilities
  • Plays significant role in ensuring that protection and early recovery are mainstreamed and awareness of the different needs and capacities of women, girls, boys and men of all ages, people with disabilities, and other diversity characteristics such as ethnicity and religion are informing what we do, how we do it and with whom to promote meaningful access, safety and dignity in all phases of the health sector response
  • Actively participate and meaningfully contributes in gap analysis, priority setting reinforcing the complementarity of partner actions by avoiding duplication and gaps
  • Coordinates and ensures adequate reporting and effective information sharing, reflecting the agreed minimum standards are in place and that all partners contribute on a regular basis to enable appropriate monitoring and evaluation and review the impact of the cluster activities and progress against the strategic Health Cluster objectives
  • Participates in reviews of coordination mechanisms and their adaptation over time to reflect the evolving crisis and the capacities of local actors
  • Regularly convenes and facilitates Health Cluster meetings, ensuring that discussions are participatory and results-oriented by ensuring NGO members of the cluster are kept fully informed of the meetings and any decisions that may take place outside of regular Health Cluster meetings
  • Effectively promotes the leadership roles of NGOs within the cluster and ensure that all Health Cluster working groups have active national and international NGO participation to help ensure that NGOs support and influence the clusters work
  • Fully supports training and capacity building of health sector personnel, of partners and national authorities as and when the need arises
  • Represents the interests of the Health Cluster in discussions with stakeholders on priorities, resource mobilization and advocacy and takes additional steps to ensure that the resource mobilization and advocacy efforts fairly represents and benefits NGOs as well as the UN agencies in support of the agreed health cluster strategy
  • Facilitates and ensures adequate contingency planning and preparedness for new emergencies and seasonal adaptation of responses that reflect the actual and potential to scale-up capacities of all partners, both local and international.

Acting In-charge, Emergency Field Coordinator

World Health Organization, Northern Ethiopia Response
Bahir Dar
12.2023 - 01.2024

Supervisor: Mr Boniface Ambani; Email:


  • Coordinates WHO's incident management system at Amhara Region, assess and reassess the emergency, determine strategies, set objectives appropriate to the level of the required response, prioritizing urgent health service delivery gaps, develop an operational planning cycle to reach health sector performance standards and approve the incident action plan (IAP) ensuring fulfillment of WHO's critical functions
  • Organizes regular coordination meetings with operational partners working at the Regional, Zonal and Woreda level on existing coordination platforms in collaboration with the health cluster and the Ministry of Health
  • Ensures the implementation of the IMS by ensuring the functionality between the operational and technical components and oversee the monitoring and evaluation of the operations, and take corrective actions whenever necessary
  • Provides supervisory mandate for WHO staff under the Incident Management System and coordinate the activities of the various pillars in response to emergency response in the region
  • Participates in joint risk assessment needs analysis and ensure that humanitarian response needs are identified by planning and jointly coordinating with partners rapid assessments
  • Identifies and make contact with local partners involved in the response and existing Sub-National coordination mechanisms, including Sub-National health authorities, international organizations and civil society to advocate for operational gap-filling
  • Provides guidance for the respective sub-national level's capacities with respect to emergency preparedness, response and recovery as well as ensures the participation of the country office in the joint risk assessment process of any suspected or actual emergency event
  • Represents WHO and build external relations by negotiating with relevant inter-agency and international partners for their active involvement with the incident management system at the regional level
  • Leads and manage the Health Emergency Operations at the regional level and provides technical advice to other agencies including the coordination and consolidation of health agencies and health cluster activities
  • Coordinates overall incident health-related activities to ensure the concerted approach of WHO in all required functional areas as per incident management structure
  • Provides support for national and local health authorities and partner with UN agencies, international, governmental and nongovernmental organizations/institutions, for mobilization and coordination of resources and identify needs and funding gaps to encourage donors to fund the overall health sector response to affected populations
  • Collaborates with other authorities for release of related information, communications, advocacy products and statements to internal and external partners as well as to the public
  • Provides information to/briefing of senior and elected officials as required, manage sensitive issues arising from the incident
  • Provides leadership, motivation, guidance, and performance management of staff and experts, build dynamic and efficient teams to enhance WHO's incident management operations, take concrete measures to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all WHO responders
  • Regularly collects information from all WHO technical experts, Regional Health bureau, other UN agencies and operational partners at regional level on Who, Where, since and until When, doing What, and regularly report to the National Incident manager for feeding into the database managed by WHO and consolidated feedback to all partners
  • Assesses and monitors the response activities related to humanitarian crisis in line with the regional operational plan, including increasing access to basic lifesaving services, outbreak preparedness and response, disease outbreak surveillance, social mobilization and community engagement, case management; IPC, laboratory, communication and information management
  • Summarizes and provide daily regional updates to the Incident Manager using a standard reporting template and ensure on agreed actions
  • Promotes adherence of standards and best practices by all response personnel, taking into account the need for local adaptation and promotes use of the available response guidelines to ensure the application of common approaches, tools and standards
  • Ensures that after-action activities are coordinated and completed, including collection of all event documentation and conduct of staff debriefings to identify accomplishments, response and improvement issues
  • Identifies needed revisions to the event management procedures, job action sheets, operational procedures, records, and/or other related items and write the after-action report and improvement plan.

Consultant (Field Epidemiologist). Supervisor

World Health Organization
07.2021 - 12.2022

Supervisor" Dr. Paul Mainuka, IMCHN Team Lead, Ethiopia, Email:


  • Over 15 years’ experience providing technical support to the Ministries of Health in Ghana, South Sudan and Ethiopia which contributed in improving immunization coverage for routine and supplemental immunization coverages including COVID-19 vaccination uptake and the overall disease control and elimination goals and vaccination programme
  • Technical expertise and coordination for the development, planning, implementation and evaluation of District immunization programme that operationalized the Regional and national vaccine-preventable diseases and immunization programme goals and targets
  • Capacity to provide technical support to ensure the development of contemporary methods, innovations and skills to increase routine and supplemental immunization coverage and enhance COVID-19 vaccination uptake with special focus on hard-to-reach, refugees, IDPs and other vulnerable population groups
  • Experience and technical coordination skills in planning and monitoring introduction of new vaccines, facilitate immunization safety and monitoring of adverse events following immunization and adverse events of special interest at national and local levels and to support in updating and adapting guidelines, plans, materials and tools, as appropriate and support performing assessments
  • Provides supervisory role in the immunization team in support of the Ministry of Health and coordinate all activities in the national immunization programme as well as cooperate and coordinate implementation of assigned technical duties as stipulated under the strategic guidance provided by the Regional Adviser and other authorities
  • Regularly conduct supportive supervisory field visits, collect and analyze data, undertake periodic reviews according to established protocols to monitor performance of the national immunization programme as well as document the assessed performance
  • Technical support in facilitating integration of other public health interventions such as maternal and child health, primary health care, health system strengthening, vaccine preventable diseases surveillance and public health into vaccination programme
  • Provide technical support in adapting regional immunization policies and strategies to the country context and in ensuring alignment and streamlining of work plans and their implementation, contributing to achievement of regional and global immunization goals and targets, in collaboration with all in-country stakeholders
  • Coordinate all high-level immunization partners and stakeholders and lead the development of policies and guidelines in the country’s context to ensure the immunization goals of the country are achieved
  • Technical expertise in estimating vaccine and injection logistics needs using target population, previous consumption and vaccination sessions methods to ensure continuous supply of vaccines at all levels of the health system
  • Appropriately develop a vaccine forecasting mechanism that would ensure maximum supply of vaccines and injection logistics by ensuring adequate cold chain capacity at all levels for transportation, distribution and storage for routine immunization and supplemental immunization programmes
  • Ensures up to date cold chain inventory and regular maintenance system to ensure monitoring of functional equipment and plan for replacement/or repair of broken-down equipment
  • Technical expertise for ensuring proper vaccine storage through capacity building of staff on the right equipment for transportation, storage, distribution at all times and for regular monitoring of vaccines temperature
  • Provide capacity building for estimating vaccine storage requirement to effectively manage stock and minimize the risk of loss
  • Regularly provide timely reports on the cold chain system to ensure prompt decisions to be taken for improvement in vaccines and logistics for the benefits of the entire immunization programme
  • Conduct analysis of data generated form the cold chain management system and use the information to advise the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders for improvement and sustainability of the system at all levels of the health system
  • Develop a system and budget for procurement and distribution of cold chain equipment for transportation, distribution and storage at all levels of the health system to support the Ministry of Health
  • Ensure appropriate packing of vaccines in the refrigerators to provide optimum temperature for the various vaccine requirement
  • Effectively train and ensure vaccine and other injection logistics waste management to prevent injuries to the health staff, clients and the community by regular supportive supervision and on-job coaching
  • Provided technical support and assisted in the development of surveys for monitoring surveillance system to ensure early detection, verification and response to public health incidents while ensuring efficiency of data collection, correlation, analysis, interpretation and timely reporting at the health facility level to the district and regional level
  • Technical support for emergency response to measles outbreak in Oromia and Addis Ababa Regions through enhancement of case search and reporting and implementation of reactive vaccination campaigns
  • Provided technical support for the collation and verification of data on rumours and reported outbreaks from multiple sources and conduct retrospective analysis of all reported incidents to establish trends, distribution patterns and efficiency of the verification mechanism applied
  • Provide technical support to the sub-national incident management teams and the Ministry of Health in strengthening surveillance and response to priority diseases, conditions and events and the context of Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response
  • Provides technical support for the establishment and functionality of Rapid Response Teams and Public Emergency Management Committees to adequately respond to potential hazards including infectious diseases, zoonotic diseases, food safety and chemical events at the Sub-national level based on the national standards and guidelines
  • Contributed in building the national and sub-national core surveillance, alert and response capacities according to requirement of the IHR, 2005 through training of the sub-national incidents management teams, health facility staff, NGO staff and also conducted skilled-based on-the-job trainings based on skilled gaps identified through supervision and monitoring
  • Provides support for the development and implementation of indicator-based and event-based surveillance at the sub-national level for epidemic and pandemic prone diseases to ensure early detection and response to public health incidents
  • Conducts filed investigations and provides technical support for vulnerability assessment, risk mapping and development of emergency preparedness and contingency plans at Regional and zonal levels
  • Facilitates monthly and quarterly surveillance review meetings with special focus on tracking of surveillance indicators performance and monitor and evaluate the implementation of major planned surveillance activities with the collaboration of the surveillance team
  • Monitor and evaluate alert and response capacities for incidents detection, verification and response according to the IHR, 2005
  • Facilitates the maintenance of an incidents management system database of all reported outbreaks and other public health incidents at the sub-national level while ensuring documentation of all steps applied in the verification and response process
  • Provides technical support for the preparation and dissemination of disease outbreak bulletins, technical report or documents, regular updates and assessment to key stakeholders for decision making using appropriate guidelines, templates and standards
  • Provided leadership for developing training packages, communication materials and other relevant information for surveillance and other public health emergence activities
  • Technical support for training, monitoring, supervision and data quality improvement for surveillance especially at the Sub-national level around the Northern Ethiopia Regions
  • Worked with humanitarian partners in Afar Region to respond to emergency needs including management of malnutrition, IPC/WASH, MHPSS and gender-based violence
  • Developed surveillance system to improve vaccine preventable disease surveillance, outbreak investigation and response
  • Ensured monitoring the implementation and operations of surveillance and response programs with focus on early detection, verification and rapid response to epidemics and other public health events of international concern as well as capacity building of national experts in accordance with the IHR, 2005
  • Capacity building of local health staff and staff of NGOs on implementation of new vaccines such as HPV and COVID-19 to improve uptake
  • Supported humanitarian missions together with humanitarian partners to Refugees camps and IDPs camps and conducted rapid assessment of humanitarian health challenges and risk for improvement
  • Provided technical expertise for surveillance staff for the Ministry of Health and NGOs on presentations skills, technical report writing, budget and proposal development, research and knowledge development
  • Facilitated the organization of EOC meetings and supported the EOC technical working group to develop actionable programs to avert outbreaks, floods and ensure healthy environment
  • Conducted weekly review of emergency response activities and provide technical guidance to improve data quality and instituted mechanisms to improve proper data management
  • Provides technical expertise for data quality improvement and conduct briefing workshops with the teams on data quality improvement, use of data for monitoring trends of alert and epidemic thresholds
  • Develop capacity of Ministry of Health and other NGO staff on the methodologies in conducting data quality audit at the various levels of the health system
  • Represented WHO at key decision-making meetings and established effective relationship with key partners and the Ministry of Health at all levels
  • Perform other duties assigned from time to time by my organization leadership and as and when required.

Principal Health Tutor

Ministry of Health Ghana
College Of Health, Kintampo
06.2020 - 07.2021

Supervisor: Dr. Kwabena Opoku Adusei, Director-College of Health and Well-Being, Kintampo


  • Lecturer, Public Health Epidemiology/EPI Head of Programme.
  • Training of health professional on field epidemiology, surveillance, expanded programme on immunization, disease control and vaccine management
  • Support the Ghana Health Service to coordinate independent monitoring of post NID campaigns contracted to the institution by the WHO
  • Provide support to conduct regular active case search for AFP, measles, yellow fever, meningitis, Ebola and other emerging diseases for prompt reporting and investigation
  • Clinical staffs are often refreshed with the case definitions to keep them abreast with current case definitions for timely detection and investigation of vaccine preventable diseases
  • Provides support for investigation of AFP cases with inadequate samples or bad stool quality for final classification by NPEC
  • Provides technical expertise for detailed case investigation of all AFP cases within one week from day of onset of paralysis
  • This investigation is relevant to affirm or otherwise rule out acute flaccid paralysis
  • Provided technical expertise for updating outbreak preparedness and response plans and provide training of staff to ensure strengthening of surveillance at all levels
  • Provide technical support for the Kintampo Municipal Health Directorate for micro-planning, implementation, supervision and monitoring of Supplemental Immunization Activities (SIAs/NIDs) especially polio, Measles Follow-up campaigns, yellow fever reactive campaigns and periodic implementation of routine immunization
  • Build the capacity of the Ministry of Health staff on EPI, disease surveillance, data recording, reporting, analysis and presentation for decision making
  • Provide mentorship for National STOP on IDSR, communication for development and Routine Immunization activities to build their capacity as a means to sustain EPI and Surveillance activities
  • Technical support on vaccine management, logistics management and waste management for routine immunization, surveillance and supplemental immunization activities to improve vaccine cold chain functionality and ensure that potent vaccines and sterile syringes and needles are used for vaccination without harm to clients, health personnel and the public
  • Advocacy and networking with stakeholders and other Health Agencies at Sub-National and National level to support the implementation of routine immunization activities by building capacity of the human resource and mobilize logistics for implementation of outreaches, PIRI and fixed facility immunization services
  • Training of EPI managers on EPI Mid-level Managers training
  • Conduct, publish and lead Health operational research with about 4 articles published in my credit
  • Provide technical expertise for training of health trainees in the field of epidemiology, immunization, surveillance and prevention of infectious diseases to gain practical experiences
  • Collaborate and develop capacity of health workers for outbreak investigation, early detection and verification of outbreaks in the Kintampo Municipal Health Directorate
  • Technical experience in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the malaria vaccine (RTSS) in the Kintampo Municipal of the Bono East Region, Ghana
  • Provide technical expertise for the planning and rollout of the first and subsequent COVID-19 vaccination in the Bono East Region
  • Provide technical support for the integration of COVID-19 vaccination into the existing routine immunization system
  • Expertise in developing health facility-based and supplemental immunization micro-plans for implementation of routine malaria vaccine integrated with other routine vaccines and mass campaigns.

Deputy Chairman, COVID-19 Emergency Response

Ministry of Health
College Of Health, Kintampo
07.2020 - 06.2021

Supervisor: Dr. Kwabena Opoku Adusei, Director, College of Health, Kintampo, email:

  • Oversight responsibility to provide technical support to the Kintampo Municipal Health COVID-19 Rapid Response Team and the Bono East Regional COVID-19 Rapid Response Team contributed in various capacities in response to COVID-19 in Ghana
  • Technical support for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of COVID-19 vaccination rollout campaign
  • Technical expertise in vaccination demand creation for COVID-19 at the various communities and health facilities
  • Advocacy with Stakeholders to support and use local platforms to create demand and improve uptake COVID-19 vaccines to interrupt community transmission
  • Capacity building of health workers on COVID-19 disease and COVID-19 vaccines to improve their knowledge and serve as catalyst for promoting COVID-19 vaccinations in the community
  • Experience COVID-19 vaccines delivery strategies, storage, transportation and effective vaccine management
  • Expertise in vaccine waste management and logistics and other supplies management for effective implementation of large-scale vaccination activities
  • Provided Epidemiologic and surveillance guidance and advice for the Ghana Health Service and the Ministry of Health of Ghana on COVID-19 plans and resource calculations to ensure that these are in line with national and global recommendations
  • Regularly reviewed and updated various existing surveillance tools for investigation of COVID-19 cases in line with the protocols designed by the Ministry of Health for COVID-19 case reporting
  • Provide regular situational updates/reports on COVID-19 to the public health emergency teams at the regional level
  • Conducted event-based surveillance through development of protocols for investigating and verifying rumours of suspected cases of COVID-19 from all sources of the Ghanaian environment
  • Lead investigator in conducting operational research on knowledge, attitude and practices on the prevention of COVID-19 and to inform decisions of stakeholders on the level of adherence to COVID-19 protocols and made relevant recommendation for improving surveillance and behaviour change communication strategies among the population in the entire Kintampo Municipal
  • Provided timely feedback to stakeholders through the management of the College of Health and Well-being, Kintampo in a media covered symposium
  • Developed case containment protocols to mitigate community spread of COVID-19 within the Kintampo Municipality
  • Conducted contact tracing using specific forms designed and approved by the Ghana Health Service of exposed persons and persons returning from COVID-19 hotspots, confirmed cases and persons who have voluntarily reported as exposed persons
  • As and when new information unveils in response to COVID-19, updates the preparedness plan of the Kintampo Municipality to address gaps and improve monitoring of the response to the pandemic
  • Integration of COVID-19 surveillance into the existing surveillance system of Ghana for monitoring, data management, risk communication and laboratory diagnosis and timely response to localize infections and outbreaks of the pandemic
  • Collaborate with NGOs and other health agencies and philanthropic organizations for resource support including standard procedures for reporting, response and management of cases of COVID-19
  • Conducted training to build the capacity of local health staff, NGOs and volunteers on the impact of COVID-19, background of COVID-19, vulnerability of COCID-19 and response to possible case of COVID-19 to strengthen their knowledge and skills
  • Have the capacity to support organizations Health Information System including surveillance for acute respiratory illnesses; monitor key health indicators including mortality rates and coverage of key services in designated countries; support analysis, interpretation and communication of the data for country level decision making
  • Experience working with Ebola virus disease response in South Sudan during the DRC outbreak in 2019 and gained relevant experience, contact tracing of exposed persons returning from communities bordering DRC, investigated suspected ebola cases and conducted risk assessment on ebola for decision making
  • Supported in the training of health staff on the background of ebola, prevention, reporting and response to possible cases
  • Trained health staff on ebola vaccination and coordinated the implementation of the vaccination of frontline health workers on ebola disease
  • Coordinated the vaccine preventable disease surveillance program at both the national and sub-national levels in both Ghana and South Sudan at the international level
  • Coordinated the EPI program to improve vaccination coverage against vaccine preventable diseases both in Ghana, South Sudan and Ethiopia
  • Provided technical support in supportive supervision for on-site training to improve access to surveillance and EPI activities both in Ghana, Ethiopia and South Sudan under resource-limited and conflict settings
  • Provided guidance in developing an annual country-wide preparedness plan on polio surveillance in 2019 for the emergency operations Centre for South Sudan
  • Increased the immunization coverage and surveillance indicators to acceptable standards in very difficult settings in South Sudan and Ethiopia especially
  • Worked as a lecturer and trained over 3000 health staff in disease surveillance, field epidemiology, immunization, vaccine management, outbreak identification and investigation as well as identification, investigation, response and management of communicable diseases for the Ministry of Health, Ghana
  • Worked in the capacity of program manager for EPI, surveillance, TB, HIV, NTD and health promotion at the District level and coordinated various national mass programs with very high performance including timely reporting and completeness
  • Have very good knowledge in proposal and budget preparation for soliciting funding to support projects from funding agencies locally and internationally
  • Able to develop and sustain very good work relationship with other stakeholders, colleagues and other agencies for achievement of organizational goals
  • Able to work under pressure, in very challenging settings with limited resources and even in conflict setting to produce results as in the case of South Sudan
  • Able to work in a multi-cultural environment, diverse culture and traditions without challenges and integrate with different cultures and traditions
  • Worked with the World Health Organization and have experience with the United Nations principles and acquired humanitarian experiences having worked with the Health cluster in the humanitarian community
  • Very good computer skills in Microsoft excel/spreadsheet, PowerPoint, MS office, presentation/visualization skills and stata statistical software
  • Able to work well in a team, respects work ethics and does not discriminate against race, culture, ethnicity or tribe
  • Have written and published four publications on TB, COVID-19, HIV and maternal and child health

Senior/Principal Health Tutor

Ministry of Health Ghana
College Of Health, Kintampo
07.2019 - 06.2020

Supervisor: Mr Saka Allotey, Email:


  • Training of mid-level health professionals such as Physician assistants, laboratory technologist, disease control and surveillance officers, health promotion and nutrition officers on epidemiology, surveillance, immunization, disease control and vaccine management
  • Coordinates the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of surveillance activities including reporting, monitoring and analysis of surveillance data
  • Provides technical support for the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of EPI and disease surveillance activities in collaboration with the Kintampo Municipal Health Directorate and the Bono East Regional Health Directorate
  • Head of the EPI and surveillance unit and coordinated the teaching, practical and field visits and reporting on EPI and surveillance
  • Supervises, coordinates and lead health system operational research to contribute to knowledge and provide practicable solutions to address public health gaps
  • Coordinates the organization of continuous professional development programs in the College of Health and Well-Being, Kintampo
  • Contributes and partakes in the establishment of research and ethics committee in the College of Health and Well-Being, Kintampo
  • Develop proposals to source funding for training of health workers and infrastructural development for sustainable health care training
  • Organizes webinars and seminars on current epidemiological issues to update the knowledge of health trainees and staff in the field of public health
  • Contributes to the development new curriculums and updates of old curriculums to reflect current workforce development for training of health care workers

Consultant (Field Epidemiologist/EPI Consultant)

World Health Organization
07.2017 - 06.2019

Supervisor: Dr. Sylvester Maleghemi, EPI Team Lead, South Sudan, email:


  • Coordinates and build the capacity of health staff to support organizations Health Information System including surveillance for acute respiratory illnesses; monitor key health indicators including mortality rates and coverage of key services in designated countries; support analysis, interpretation and communication of the data for country level decision making
  • Provides expertise for public health emergency response for communicable diseases outbreak and investigation
  • Provides technical expertise in planning, implementation and monitoring of new vaccine introduction to reduce vaccine hesitancy and ensure safety of the population
  • Technical support and expertise in training immunization managers to identify, report and reduce adverse events following immunizations, building public confidence in accepting vaccines and effective waste management practices
  • Collaborate with NGOs and other health agencies and philanthropic organizations for resource support including standard procedures for reporting, response and management of cases of COVID-19
  • Conducts training to build the capacity of local health staff, NGOs and volunteers on the impact of COVID-19, background of COVID-19, vulnerability of COCID-19 and response to possible case of COVID-19 to strengthen their knowledge and skills
  • Knowledgeable in GAVI procedures and use same in developing strategic plan for EPI activities including performance monitoring framework
  • Engages with relevant stakeholders especially with the Ministry of Health and other partners on EPI in the South Sudan context to regularly provide support to improve immunization access and utilization
  • Knowledgeable in financial management, performance appraisal, leadership and management in health with a certificate on Leadership and Management in Health from the University of Washington
  • Technical support for successful implementation of more than 20 supplemental immunization activities on polio, measles, meningitis, yellow fever, ebola vaccine
  • Technical support for planning and implementation of routine immunization including rollout of new vaccine such as ebola vaccines and yellow fever vaccine
  • Technical support for management of funds for EPI micro-planning, SIAs, monitoring and evaluation
  • Team player and easily build trust and good working relationship with Ministry of Health and other agencies for the coordination of all EPI and surveillance activities
  • Capacity building for health workers on EPI activities at the State, County and Payam level including hospitals, health Centres and health posts EPI staff
  • Coordinates the monitoring and evaluation of EPI data and technically supported the EPI data management system and provided advise for improvement
  • Trained and provided supervision for effective vaccine management at the Regional, County and health facility levels

Disease Control Officer/EPI Coordinator. Supervisor

Ghana Health Service
Adidome, Volta Region
04.2007 - 06.2013

Supervisor: Dr. S.K Atimpo, District Director of Health Service, Email:


  • District Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) Manager – Developing action plans and budget for district wide routine immunizations, holding consultative meetings with stakeholders to create more outreach sites to make immunization services accessible, promoting inter-sectoral collaboration with other departments and agencies especially during mass immunization, planning and organization of immunization mop-up and other supplemental immunization activities to improve immunization coverage, plan and organize training for nurses and other technical staffs on new vaccines introduction (Rota and pneumococcal vaccines)
  • Conduct training for technical staffs and mid-level management training on disease surveillance
  • Participate in the planning and implementation of EPI cluster surveys, write and timely disseminate reports to the next level on all activities carried out, plan, request and receive logistics for immunization and surveillance activities, plan and organize biannual and annual district and sub-district performance reviews on all health indicators, perform other duties assigned to me by the superior officers
  • Sub-district National Immunization Days (NIDs) Coordinator: help train sub-district teams to develop micro plans, daily implementation plans, training of vaccination team supervisors, data compilation, supervision of immunization teams, conducting rapid assessment and writing of technical reports at the end of the exercise
  • Investigation of Suspected Diseases/Outbreaks eg (Measles, AFP, Cholera and Yellow Fever etc)
  • Supervise and monitor Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) focal sites
  • Conduct Active case search for AFP at community level
  • Conduct supportive supervision for technical staffs on IDSR
  • Technical support supervision for routine immunization of all health facilities involved in routine immunization in the district
  • District Cold Chain Manager (Vaccine forecasting, collection, storage and distribution to facilities
  • Conducting bi-annual cold chain inventory)
  • Technical assistants in the development of district epidemic preparedness plan for communicable diseases
  • Regularly Monitor trends of communicable diseases and immunization performance per facility in the district and provide technical advice where necessary
  • Training and monitoring of Community- Based Surveillance Volunteer’s activities and collection of reports for onward submission to the Regional surveillance unit
  • Worked as District EPI coordinator and managed routine and supplemental immunization activities
  • Supervises other EPI officers at the district and sub-district level to ensure full implementation and improvement in EPI targets
  • Focal person for integrated disease surveillance and response, nutrition and health promotion coordinator
  • Provides regular capacity building for health staff on effective vaccine management, monitoring of EPI performance, EPI data collection and management
  • Provides supportive supervision to capacitate EPI staff at the sub-district and health facilitate level based on gaps identified
  • Planning and implementation of national mass vaccination programs such polio vaccination, measles vaccination, tetanus vaccination, yellow fever vaccination, vitamin A supplementation and other nutritional programs
  • Coordinates programs on malaria, tuberculosis control, HIV/AIDS control, malnutrition management and research
  • Plan, prepare and make presentations at the District, Regional and National level on key performance EPI indicators and program-specific indicators to the Ghana Health Service, Ministry of Health and National as well as international partners/donors.


Ph.D. - Epidemiology

University of Port Harcourt, School of Public Health
Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Masters of Public Health - Public Health (Epidemiology and Disease Control

University of Ghana

B. Ed - Health Science

University of Cape Coast

Diploma - Technical Officer -Community Health

Kintampo Rural Health Training School


  • Epidemiological data analysis and presentations
  • Outbreak investigation and response
  • Development of emergency response plans
  • Risk assessment Good knowledge of Ms applications Suit
  • Good knowledge of data analysis soft ware eg stata, spss, epi info
  • Basic knowledge of GIS, Power BI
  • Research and Publications
  • Report writing and preparation of situational reports
  • analytical skills
  • Project management
  • Financial management
  • Human resource management


  • Dr
  • Bachir Mohamadou Mbodj
  • Incident Manager
  • Emergency Preparedness and Response
  • Ethiopia
  • Email:
  • Dr
  • Alex Wanyama Barasa
  • Regional Health Emergency Response Coordinator
  • Northern Ethiopia Emergency Response
  • Email:
  • Dr
  • Paul Mainuka Team Lead – Immunization, Maternal, Child Health and Nutrition (IMCHN) WHO Ethiopia Country Office Addis Ababa Email:
  • Dr
  • Michael Mawanda
  • Emergency Health Operations Manager
  • Northern Ethiopia Emergency Response
  • Ethiopia – Addis Ababa
  • Email:
  • Dr
  • Sylvester Maleghemi
  • Team Lead, Expanded Programme on Immunization
  • WHO Country Office, South Sudan
  • Email:
  • Mr
  • Augustine Baffoe
  • Head of Department
  • Department of Disease Control and Epidemiology
  • College of Health and Well-Being, Kintampo


Allied Health Professions License

Additional Information

  • 2
  • College of Health and Well-Being, Kintampo. P O Box 09, Kintampo. House No. XE1505, Airport Residential Area, Kintampo


First Language
Proficient (C2)


Acting Health Cluster Coordinator

World Health Organization, Northern Ethiopia Response
12.2023 - 01.2024

Acting In-charge, Emergency Field Coordinator

World Health Organization, Northern Ethiopia Response
12.2023 - 01.2024

Consultant, WHO Surveillance Officer

CANADEM/WHO/FCDO, Cholera Outbreak Response
10.2023 - 03.2024

Consultant (Field Epidemiologist). Supervisor

World Health Organization
07.2021 - 12.2022

Deputy Chairman, COVID-19 Emergency Response

Ministry of Health
07.2020 - 06.2021

Principal Health Tutor

Ministry of Health Ghana
06.2020 - 07.2021

Senior/Principal Health Tutor

Ministry of Health Ghana
07.2019 - 06.2020

Consultant (Field Epidemiologist/EPI Consultant)

World Health Organization
07.2017 - 06.2019

Disease Control Officer/EPI Coordinator. Supervisor

Ghana Health Service
04.2007 - 06.2013

Ph.D. - Epidemiology

University of Port Harcourt, School of Public Health

Masters of Public Health - Public Health (Epidemiology and Disease Control

University of Ghana

B. Ed - Health Science

University of Cape Coast

Diploma - Technical Officer -Community Health

Kintampo Rural Health Training School

Allied Health Professions License

Mukasa Kabiri