Resourceful professional in technology support, known for high productivity and efficient task completion. Specialize in network troubleshooting, system configuration, and security protocols management. Excel in problem-solving, communication, and teamwork, using these soft skills to effectively resolve issues and improve network performance. Successfully managed a WiFi expansion project, demonstrating technical acumen and leadership in complex IT environments.
Contact: Emmanuel Afful - 0501355355.
Contact: Joe Youssef, 0544314669.
African Towers Ltd
Customer Support Engineer/Project Lead
Contact: Richard Kweku Auther - 0244304496
Contact: Mr Seth Opoku – 0244612345
BSc. Telecommunication Engineering, 09/10, 06/14, First Degree (Second Class Upper)
BSc. Telecommunication Engineering, 09/10, 06/14, First Degree (Second Class Upper)