Knowledgeable in Accounting with solid background in finance and administration, ensuring efficient financial operations and compliance. Proven track record of streamlining processes and enhancing financial accuracy in various roles. Demonstrated expertise in budget management and financial reporting, coupled with strong organizational and problem-solving skills.
Intern, Cape Coast Forestry Commission, 06/01/16 - 08/31/16.
Group leader, Final year research project on 'Accounting practice and its role in Management of SME's in Cape Coast; A Case Study in the Cape Coast Metropolis'., 2018
MJ Support, 09/01/15 - 02/28/18.
Junior Youth Leader/Teacher, Obosomase Presby Church, 01/01/21-Present.
Financial Secretary, MJ Support, 09/01/16 - 02/28/18.
Representative, NUPS-G (National Union of Presbyterian Students of Ghana-UCC), 11/01/16-12/31/18.
Member, UCCABS Judicial Board, 11/01/15 - 10/31/18.
Member, Casely Hayford Hall Finance Committee, 09/01/15 - 08/31/16.
Prof. Siaw Frimpong
Senior Lecturer,
Department of Finance-University of Cape Coast,
Rev. David Kweku Jumbo
Founder and General Overseer
Kodesh Palace Ministry
Mr. Samuel Nsiah
Miracle Point Academy